One of my favorite things to do during my visits is to be able to share all of the wonderful pictures and updates on the children that used to live in Antoshka. The families of Kramtorsk children look forward to this time of year and and really contribute with great family photos and touching stories. The staff really enjoys this time as well and they all gather around the directors office anxiously waiting for a glimpse of the child they once knew. There are usually a couple of conversations going on at once some in English and the other in Russian. All of the pictures are passed around while the updates are read aloud. You can feel the overwhelming sense of relief and excitement at the knowledge that "their" child is healthy and happy with their new family. After every picture is viewed and every story read we usually relax with tea and talk about the needs of the children. We purchased some physical and occupational equipment as well as a sensory boosting ball pit! We talked about plans on having Little Tike type of playsets in each group room, the need for diapers for the babies, books for the toddlers as well as other developmental toys and walking/crawling aides. The hope is that with our resourses and good relations and their willingness to open their doors for us we can begin to make a difference in the lives of the children that are there.
Caretakers and Doctors together for picture day!
In awe at the progress of a boy who was diagnosed with CP
Admiring the beauty of a 3yr old girl
Gathering for a chance to see the children
If you are a Kramatorsk adoptive family and would like the oppurtunity to send packages over please contact me for information and mailing instructions.