Kramatorsk Adoptive Families!!
Well I don't know if I can even put into words how greatful I am to each and every one of you. I am sure you all know how wonderful it is for us to belong to such a group. We each have something in common that the rest of the world can't even begin to understand. We have all shared the same experience being there and meeting our children, remembering the faces on the children that were not going home with us, seeing those faces at night after quietly checking in on our little ones. I don't know about all of you but when ever I see pictures of your children or talk to them on the telephone I feel as though it is a family member, a niece or a nephew. Your children will always be in my heart and that is what fuels me to do this. It is in Ian's memory and in the memory of all of our children that I go back. Thank you to all of you who have helped in your many ways! I love you all!
My special Pharmacy friend who has donated so far over 100lbs of medicine for the children. Milan is serving our country right now so things have slowed down a bit but we are hoping and praying that he and his family get through it and that he can finally come home full time and get back to being the wonderful caring guy that he is! Thank you Milan!
St. James Episcopal Church Aston, Pennsylvania: What can I say about this wonderful group of people! They have provided the children in Kramatorsk with clothing, medicines, toys and just recently helped in our purchase of a new dryer for the baby house. Thank you very much and may God be watching all the wonderful things that you are doing in His name!
Sabold Elementary School, Springfield Pennsylvania
This wonderful group of first and second graders gave from the heart!
They raised over $100 and 8 boxes of clothing, toys and medicines for the children! I was able to spend a day with them and they were such an interesting group of children who had such wonderful questions for me! They made me realize that even such small children have big hearts! Thank you also to the teachers, staff and parents of these children. You have done a terrific job in molding them to be outstanding human beings! Thank you Sabold!
Delaware County Times
They started it all with a great article they did on us in January! We recieved so much exposure from it and still recieve calls from people who have clipped it out and saved it. I have mounted the article and have it hanging in our computer room. It will be a nice momentum for Ian when he is older. Thank you Adrew Cushman!
Fox Good Day Live
Christian Farr read the article talked about above and called me to see if we would do a segment on his morning show called "Ray of Hope" They came out to follow us on two seperate days and in the end we had a wonderful segment on our family, our adoption and our Karing for Kramatorsk project. This is a special video in our home now and Ian just loves watching himself on TV! Thank you Christian!
TriState Packaging Company Marcus Hook, PA
Well you can't send over the amount of shipments that we will without boxes for them to go in!! The owner of this store has offered me all the boxes that I need! What a great guy! Thank you Tri State!
A special thank you Kim for coming on board and getting the word out. You have taken on so much on your own and I know that Antoshka and Roschitsa are very appreciative. You didn't have to help us in the beginning and you not only helped you continued with your own inititives! You have opened up our orphanages to a huge community that would of otherwise never knew about our children. Thank you Kim!!
Well I could repeat everything I just said about Kim and then add that I wish I had a tenth of your energy! Everyday you amaze me at your new idea!! Keep them going, they are great! I hope that one day you will get to see first hand the children who lives you have made a difference in! Thank you Anita!
Continental Airlines Portland OR
I have the honor of calling this great group of folks coworkers! The general manager is one great guy! He makes sure that the shipments are delivered to the Nazarene Ministry on time so that it can make it on the container to Ukraine! Thank you Jim!
Nazarene Ministry of Help
What a nice organization Megs has found for us! We wondered how in the heck we were going to get everything to Kramatorsk before we arrived and then we met Viktor at Nazarene. He has given us a wonderful price to ship and we have the assurance that our donations are well taken care of from door to door. He has even been so kind to offer these great prices to the entire IUAFN adoptive community. Thank you Viktor,Vlad, and Antoly!
Friends and Family
To the unbelievable amount of friends, family and complete strangers who have given their time, talents, or money to help Karing for Kramatorsk a special thank you to you all!!! There are way to many to mention by name so I just wanted to send out a big hug to each of you and tell you how much what you have done means! You have allowed me to enrich the lives of children who otherwise would not have anything. Thank you to you all from the bottom of my heart! May good things come back to you!
Last but not least I want to say a special thank you to my husband and son!
Guys I know that I have spent hours upon hours of our "family" time with Karing for Kramatorsk. I have spent many evenings parked in front of the computer "networking". I have fed you TV dinners so that I can pack up donations, Ian, I know that I have made you sit for hours while I picked up donations and purchased toys, I have missed watching a movie or two with you, I have put you to bed early so that I can relax after a long day of packing and sorting. I have taken some of your toys and sent them to the children (you don't play with them anyway
) Jim, I have given you a hernia making you move things around over and over, I have taken over our dining room with boxes, I have fallen asleep early on your only nights off, I have spent time on the computer and phone when you are waiting for me to have some "us" time. Through all of it you have never let me down! Both of you have loved me for everything that I do and I know it! You have let me go to take care of these children! I love you both more then you know! You are my family, you are my husband and son! Thank you Jim! Thank you Ian! I love you both so much! Thank you for all of your support and patience!
I will continue to update and add on my Special Thanks!